“Portability” is defined as the ability for an HCV holder to move from the jurisdiction of its current housing authority to the jurisdiction of another housing authority operating an HCV program.
HCV holders who desire to move under portability to York, PA must contact their current housing authority and:
HCV holders who desire to move under portability to York, PA must contact their current housing authority and:
- Inform your current housing authority of your interest in porting out to York Housing Authority (YHA).
- Inform your current housing authority that YHA’s jurisdiction is both York City and York County.
- Inform your current housing authority that YHA only administers portable vouchers and DOES NOT CURRENTLY ABSORB.
- Ask your current housing authority if you are eligible to port out
- Once eligibility is determined, then you should request that your housing authority prepare your portability packet.
Portability packets may be forwarded as follows:
Mail: York Housing Authority
Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Department
31 S. Broad Street
York PA 17403
Fax: Attention-Section 8 Department at 717-845-9251